Input Access

Input Access and Extension Services

Farmers need various inputs for them to enhance agricultural production.

If you are looking for inputs for yourself or your family, please do contact us. We can supply farmers in the District.

Aggregation which is done by the Commodity Associations enables the farmers to reduce transactions and other costs by purchasing inputs together reducing the cost of transport per farmer and accessing discounts through bulk purchasing this facilitated by ABC.

Through the ABC Commodity Associations, farmers can receive inputs at discounted prices. ABC ensures that farmers acquire agro-inputs, access services and information that enables them to properly produce the market-driven farm value chains.

Provision of training – training groups to increase productivity are generally more cost-efficient than working with farmers on a one-on-one basis

Extension Services 

At ABC we try to bridge the information, skill and resource gap that constrains the adoption of available technologies and management practices through offering the ABC smallholder farmers extension services..

We also believe that offering extension services help increase productivity, improved productivity means improved incomes for the farmers.

Improved productivity can only be achieved through the development and dissemination of improved agricultural technologies to smallholder farmers in rural areas.

Inadequate extension services have been identified as one of the main limiting factors in the growth of the agriculture sector.

With the climate change that has been recorded for a few years, there is a need for human capacity development for farmers to make a living.

Our field officers work on improving farmers managerial and technical skills, through training, facilitating, and training 

Our extension services facilitate access to market trades, organizing farmers and producer groups, and working with farmers.

Agriculture extension plays a role in improving farmers’ productivity and income thereby reducing poverty and increasing food security.

Extension services ensure that production is sustainable and does not compromise future production.

Extension services play a critical role in linking farmers to reliable and cheap sources of agricultural inputs and outputs.

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